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Appuntato Scelto Antonio Santarelli |
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Carabiniere in coma for over a year dies 17:45 11 MAG 2012 (AGI) Florence - Carabiniere Antonio Santarelli, 44, died after being in a coma since April 25, 2011 when he was attacked with flashlights and wooden stake by four young men, only one of whom was an adult, during a routine document check near Sorano, in the province of Grosseto. Santarelli, who originally came from Guardia Vomano di Notaresco in the province of Teramo was on duty on Easter Monday with his partner, Domenico Marino, 34, who lost an eye in the attack. Santarelli was taken to a specialist center in Imola. They stopped a car with four young men, who were heading to a rave party, for a routine document check near Sorano. Three were minors (two have since become adults) and an adult. During the stop they assaulted the officers. Santorelli was hit on the neck and went into a coma he never came out of. The charges against the four, who were arrested soon after the incident, now becomes murder. The judge in the case ordered a sum of 500,000 euro to be confiscated from the families to assure payment of compensation.
Quellen: http://www.agi.it/english-version/italy/elenco-notizie/201205111745-cro-ren1078-carabiniere_in_coma_for_over_a_year_dies |