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Reserve Costable Denis Anthony Price |
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Gestorben am 28. Februar 1985 Getötet, als die Newry RUC Station durch einen Angriff durch Terroristen von Mörsergranaten getroffen wurde. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Died 28 February 1985 Killed when Newry RUC station was hit by a terrorist mortar attack. In the early evening of 28 February 1985, nine shells were launched from a Mark 10 mortar bolted onto the back of a Ford lorry that had been hijacked in Crossmaglen. Eight shells overshot the station, but one 50-lb shell landed directly on a Portakabin containing a temporary canteen. Nine police officers were killed, including a cousin of Unionist politician Jeffrey Donaldson, and 37 people were injured including 25 civilian police employees. The death toll was the highest inflicted on the RUC in its history. Several Isuspects was arrested. The British government also launched a multi-million pound programme of construction to prevent bases from similar attacks. This involved installing reinforced roofs and building blast-deflecting walls around the base of buildings. Installions which are still in place on almost all police stations in Northern Ireland.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_Newry_mortar_attack |