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Constable Thomas John Bingham |
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Constable Thomas John Bingham, 29, und Sgt. William Ritchie Savage, 27 wurden in einem ungekennzeichneten Fahrzeug in der Nähe Camlough, County Armagh, durch eine Landmine (wahrscheinlich ferngesteuert) getötet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const Thomas John Bingham, 29, and Sgt William Ritchie Savage, 27 was travelling in a unmarked vehicle near near Camlough, County Armagh, when they were killed by a landmine (probably a remote controlled one) It is possible that the officers were seeing leaving the Police Station a few minutes earlier, and so was killed even though they were in an unmarked car. No suspects was captured, even though a massive joint search by the British Army and the RUC were conducted.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2ZDCP9PI2g |